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Raindrop Technique®

This is where the power of pure essential oils comes into play! 9 different ones to be exact...


This unique relaxation technique for body and mind is based on methods that have been used for centuries. The Raindrop technique supports you and your body in balance and harmony through targeted massage techniques and special energetic methods.


Nine pure essential oils and oil mixtures are used.


The oils work on the physical, psychological, emotional and mental level and can activate your self-healing powers.


Which oils are they exactly:

  • oregano

  • thyme

  • basil

  • cypress

  • wintergreen

  • marjoram

  • Peppermint 

  • Aroma Siez and Valor - two powerful oil blends

It is a massage technique where I work on your back and on the foot reflex zones related to the spine. 

Cost: 100 € for approx. 90 min

Do you still have questions about essential oils or do you know that you definitely do not tolerate essential oils?write to meand we will see how we can adapt the oils to you.


Maybe you've been wanting to take a break and relax for a long time?

Or is there a topic that is currently occupying you and/or is particularly present?

Then now is exactly the right time!
contact me

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Funkenburgstrasse 10
04105 Leipzig

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